Welcome to my online home.

Welcome to my online home.

From a young age I was interested in websites, the fact you could design something anyone could see from anywhere in the world. What you’re looking at is simply the product of that early intrigue...

Photo Galleries

A selection of galleries based on travel or photo projects

Coming soon 

Photo Equipment

Details about my various bits of equipment

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I am a Chartered Accountant by day

My profile

About me

I'm a Chartered Accountant. My last job was as an adult snowboard instructor at Whistler Blackcomb, this was between November '10 and April '11. It was a fantastic season, the second snowiest on record (at the time). Over the season my snowboarding improved considerably which is predominantly down to the fantastic help of my colleagues, supervisor and the coaches.  

Before living the dream in Canada I was studying Chemistry at Oxford University. It was really tough at the time, but all worth it for the experiences I had and the people I met. 

To the envy of many, before studying I took a gap year... yes, you guessed it... I have already lived the dream! The first time round I only taught part-time as I hadn't initially got my qualifications, the rest of the time I was working rentals at Base II on Blackcomb.

Previous web projects

Effectively a gallery of previous web experiments.

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Faces of Bezzer.co.uk

This site has been around in different forms for years

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Archived blog posts

These don't get updated anymore but are still occasionally visited

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