Playing With Light 2

Following on from Playing With Light 1, I decided to take more pictures to highlight the difference playing with part 2 and 3 makes to your photos.

Changing the background of the picture

The addition of pink paper behind the subject cleans up the background

The background to this photo wasn’t particularly messy to begin with, a range of greys and blacks. The addition of the pink paper makes the scene feel more isolated.

Lighting Comparison badgers

Badger Scene

The badger scene is a good example of how different types of flash effect the final photo. In natural light, the photo feels a little washed out as the camera increased exposure to reveal the darker areas (this clearly could be corrected by flicking onto manual). The shadows help to show the shapes of the badgers.

With the camera flash you lose a lot of the natural shadows that helped show the shapes and sizes of the objects. At the same time you are gaining dark shadows directly behind the objects which I find reduces the contrast with the background.

Finally, the off camera flash also removes the natural shadows but creates equally helpful new ones which help show the sizes/shapes of objects. The flash throws enough new light on the scene that the camera exposure is reduced allowing for easier handheld shots and more vivid colours.

Lighting Comparison flies

Dead Fly

This fly example simply reinforces the points I’ve just made. Natural light has good shadows but lacks pop. The camera flash has plenty of contrast and good colours but the new shadows on the background make the edges harder to see. The external flash is clear and has the benefit of a new dramatic shadow thanks to the light coming from a low angle.


Below are a few of the final images from my mini, playing with light, photo sessions (on Flickr):

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[Fixed] Flickr Photos Broken!

All my integrated Flickr photos are down! Actually the plugin was breaking my site so has been disabled till I find a fix. Annoying, as that plugin was one of the few I have used that I could get on with  🙁

Update: No idea how to fix the problem so instead I found a solution which removes the need for the broken plugin.

I was using Flickr Manager but the image links seemed to be merging into one and corrupting entire pages! I found another plugin called Flickpress although on the surface it did everything I needed, it couldn’t actually import pictures into my posts. However, it was able to import my Flickr photos into my WordPress gallery allowing me to simply add the images as if I’d uploaded them from my computer. Although not a fast solution to implement it is very reliable (no plugin is needed to display the images).

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Playing With Light 1

Photography is all about catching light (literally) and yet I have never played about with lighting in any depth before. I’ve played with every setting on all my cameras but that is only part of the story.

In my opinion, there are three parts to taking pictures:

  1. The light before the subject
  2. The subject
  3. The light after the subject (to the camera)

So with a typical outdoor photo that might include:

  1. Light from the sun
  2. Hits a landscape/person and is reflected
  3. Position the camera to catch the light 

Where am I going with this?

I think when anyone takes a picture they are playing with part 3. By playing with camera settings etc you enable yourself to capture the light more effectively.

Interacting with the subject before taking the picture is playing with part 2. This might consist of telling someone to smile or describing a precise pose. Alternatively, it might be cleaning/moving something to get a better photo. So part 2 again isn’t necessarily demanding.

If you are outside you would normally use the sun to light up your subject or if it’s dark/inside you may use flash. Since getting an external flash for my DSLR I have been able to tinker with part 1 by bouncing light off the ceiling/walls onto the subject. Compare this to a photo studio where there are carefully positioned lights everywhere! Playing with part 1 is a great way to change the look/feel of photos.

Mini comparison of flash lighting

comparison between different flash types

The photo is of a peacock feather with sunlight coming from the near right. The picture without flash lacks contrast due to the bright background and lack of shadows.

The camera flash and external flash with diffuser look best as they have added enough shadow for increased contrast and enhanced colour. The external flash is raised from the camera lens which makes the light non-centred, noticeable without the diffuser at this short range.

Although bouncing the flash off the ceiling or wall normally adds improved shadows, this is not always ideal especially due to the feather leaning forward casting itself in shadow!

The bottom right image (where the flash is not attached to the camera) adds a strong light from the bottom left which completely changes the look of the photo. Although in this case it adds too much shadowing,  it does change the colours from all the other examples.

The following photos were taken with the same off camera flash position:


The major benefit I noticed with the off camera flash is that I can get close to the subject without the light changing or casting my own shadow onto it (often the case with sun lit macro shots). The major downside is that I kept blinding myself with the flash… #amateur.

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Canon 450D

The Canon 450D is my first and only DSLR camera. Despite this, I feel I know how to use it and do use it well enough to complain when I want more 😛 . My only real complaint is the poor handheld low light performance.

In short, I love the camera due to it’s easy controls, small size and all the extra bits I have for it (see equipment).

The 450D has been upgraded 3 times from Canon (500D, 550D and most recently the 600D) the main upgrades are the addition of video recording and the improvement of sensor’s sensitivity up to ISO6400 (on the 600D). When compared to the mere ISO1600 of the 450D, this is a vast improvement. The 450D is only capable of ISO1600 when set manually, in the same way the 600D is actually capable of ISO12800! There is more to it than just the numbers such as noise levels at a given ISO level but these improve with technology updates. If I were to buy now I’d definitely get one of the 500’s for the additional low light help, the 600D is usually priced higher than the 450D ever was. I found a nice comparison between the 600D and 450D over on

Canon 450D


Quick Stats

  • 12.2 Megapixels
  • ISO 800 (ISO1600 when set manually)
  • 3.5fps
  • EF-S Canon lense system (also accepts EF)
  • Plastic
  • SD card (SDHC compatible)

Example photos

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